Community Development

community care

Providing rehabilitation, training and education in the community for survivors of exploitation and abuse.


The factors behind the exploitation and abuse of women and girls are many and varied, but most of them are to be found in the local community. A community-based approach is the best way of tackling these complex factors. Rehabilitating those most at-risk in a familiar environment with established family and community links can often result in speedier and more complete recovery.

This is why we do what we do!


We provide rehabilitation and skills training for girls and young women, aged 14-22, who are survivors of exploitation. Whenever it is safe to do so, we want to keep women and girls at home, while supporting and empowering their local community to support and empower them!


Once a girl is identified, we ensure she is given any medical care required and support in obtaining police or legal help. Additionally, she and her family are offered counselling, and, if they are struggling to feed themselves, we can supply regular food parcels.


Girls are supported in returning to school where at all possible. Otherwise, they and the young women are provided with six months of vocational skills training in a safe environment.


We help those who complete the skills training to find local jobs where they will be safe. Our social workers monitor their progress and wellbeing through regular visits over the next two years.


We want to offer more individuals and communities the tools and support needed to empower and protect their girls and young women!

With your help, we can.

youcan make it happen

We want to provide more care and support for at-risk women and children so that their dignity can be restored and they can grow up in safety. It costs £40 a month to provide care, safety and support for a girl, including £18 for food.

You can help by making a donation or by donating regularly to our Women and Girls' Shelter.