whywe do what we do
Manasi* came to one of our refuge shelters to escape exploitation and make a new start. As well as a safe place to live, access to healthcare and counselling, she was offered a place on one of our vocational training courses.
Studying hard, Manasi earned her certificate in basic computer skills. With this qualification, she was able to get a job with a reputable business. With her new-found skills and support network she is looking to the future with confidence and hope.
This is why we do what we do.
*this is a true story but with changed name and representative image to protect the individual.

whatwe do
business start-up grants
We provide small grants to help men and women from poor and marginalised communities to set up a business which matches their abilities and local market conditions.
SElf-help groups
Self-help groups (known as LAMP groups) provide mutual support and encouragement, as well as encouraging members to make small regular savings and contribute to a fund that can be used for small loans to group members.
Vocational training
We provide vocational training courses for men and women to develop new skills so that they are better equipped to apply for work or to set up their own small business.
youcan make it happen
We want to provide more of such opportunities, as well as explore and expand other income generating models.
You can help by donating to our Economic Empowerment fund to help restore dignity and freedom to the poor and the marginalised.

Women's Development Centres
These centres provide accredited training in a range of vocational skills for women from vulnerable situations. Training is delivered in a safe and caring environment.
Business Development Centre
Our tailoring centre offers employment to vulnerable women in a safe and caring environment. The centre produces school uniforms for all our Good Shepherd schools.