Education Sponsorship FAQs

Find out more about sponsoring children's education.

How much does it cost to sponsor a child’s education?

Currently, sponsorship is set at £18 a month. You can give more than this amount, with any extra going to our schools programme and supporting other children.

What will I receive when I begin sponsoring?

  • A child profile with information about their school, class and family.
  • The child’s last school report (unless they’ve just started school).

What can I expect to receive during the sponsorship period?

  • An annual report from the class teacher as to the progress of the child.
  • An annual update of the student profile including a recent photo.
  • Examples of your child’s schoolwork.
  • Three or four times a year we will send you a 'sponsorship update' with news and information.

What does my sponsorship cover?

Typically, your sponsorship helps to cover:

  • School uniforms and a belt
  • One pair of shoes
  • A school bag
  • Textbooks
  • Notebooks
  • Teacher’s salary
  • Stationery
  • Administration costs
  • Utility bills for the school.

Please note that while money from your sponsorship covers most of the cost of the uniform, to encourage respect and care for the clothes, parents are also asked to contribute towards the cost if they are able.

Does my sponsorship go to the child?

None of the money you send goes directly to the child. Most of the money goes to the school to pay for the provision of education for children, including the child you are sponsoring (see: what does my sponsorship cover above). A small proportion helps to pay for central costs to run schools and the sponsorship scheme.

Why do children pay school fees when their education is being sponsored?

At the outset, community leaders who asked for these schools to be set up were also insistent that everyone should pay at least a minimal school fee. This was a way of parents showing that they valued the education their children received and it creates a sense of ownership and accountability for both students and parents. When setting fees for a child, the ability of their family to pay is taken into account. The poorest pay the lowest fees, and in some instances may not pay a fee at all. Equally, richer families will pay more which will help the schools as they work toward being self-sustaining. The actual cost of their schooling is much higher than most of the school fees.

Can we sponsor as a group?

There are two ways of sponsoring education as a group.

It is possible to group together to sponsor one child. However,  payment would need to come from one member of the group on behalf of the others. Please contact us to discuss.

It is also possible for a group to sponsor a group of children (for example, members of a WI sponsoring a class). We would recommend that the children are from one school. Please contact us for details of group sponsorship.

Can I sponsor a group of children?

For individuals, businesses or organisations wishing to sponsor a group of children (for example, a class or whole school), please contact us. We would be very keen to discuss different options with you.

What if my sponsored child leaves the school?

Some children, due to a variety of circumstances, may not remain in school through to graduation. If this should happen, and your child leaves the sponsorship programme, you will be notified and a new child will be assigned to you. While it is always disappointing to lose a relationship with a child—even the short time you have cared for them with the gift of education, and the knowledge of their inherent dignity and worth, will make a lasting difference in their life.