Philanthropy House, Priestly Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford, ST18 0LQ
General Enquiries
Tel: 01785 785 068
Education Sponsorship
Tel: 01785 785 073
International Offices
DFN Brazil:
DFN Germany:
DFN Switzerland:
DFN Australia & New Zealand:
DFN UK and Dignity Freedom Network UK are working names of Freedom Network International, registered as a charitable company limited by guarantee (No 06256996) and charity No 1122937 (England and Wales). Registered office: 8 Hearn Court, Stafford, ST17 9QN © DFN UK 2018. All rights reserved.
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youcan make it happen
We want to build more schools in South Asia to meet the demand from community leaders, as well as give more children this life-changing opportunity.
With your help, we can.
Sponsor a child's education through DFN UK for only £18 a month.